Since 1964, every day of the ski season the dedicated members of the Big Powderhorn Ski Patrol have applied their hearts and minds to ensure the safety of those enjoying the outdoors on the 45 trails, 9 chairlifts, 253 skiable acres & annual average 17 feet of natural U.P. Lake Superior snowbelt snow at Big Powderhorn Mountain Resort , located between Ironwood and Bessemer in the famous Big Snow Country of the Gogebic Range in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. We are the first skiers on the hill in the morning ensuring the hill is safe to open, and we are the last skiers off the hill at the end of the day, making sure every one of our guests has made it off the hill safely.
The Big Powderhorn Ski Patrol is a unit of the North Central Region, Central Division of the National Ski Patrol. Since its formation in 1938, the National Ski Patrol has become one of the largest outdoor rescue organizations in the world including over 31,000 members serving 650 patrols in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Asia. In 1980, the National Ski Patrol was granted a Federal Charter by the United States Congress. NSP’s Congressional Charter stipulates the promotion of safety and health in skiing and other outdoor winter recreational activities. As a part of it’s Federal Charter, The National Ski Patrol reports annually to the United States Congress.
The National Ski Patrol was founded by Charles Minot “Minnie” Dole in 1938 after the tragic loss of a friend due to injuries suffered in a ski related accident. He was also responsible for the establishment of the famed 10th Mountain Division of the U.S. Army. Applicants for this remarkable military unit were actually screened by the National Ski Patrol. Many individuals who were responsible for the establishment of ski areas in the United States served in the 10th Mountain Division and contributed significantly to the sport.
For additional information on the Big Powderhorn Ski Patrol, including information on signing on, please e-mail